Badminton Training Course
Course content are rules, services, volley, forehand and backhand etc. We provide coaching for three grades: Beginner, Intermediate and Improver.

Hatha Yoga Class
Hatha Yoga is a penetration fine jade gal formula training. It helps the training muscle to be supply, the joint flexibility and balance training. In addition, it may treat some degeneration disease, treatment pain sickness and sports injury.
Hydro Trimming Fitness
The Hydro Trimming Fitness class is to train the cardiovocular system by utilizing the different body movement in water, and arrive at the trimming result.

Latin Dance
The dancing movement of Latin Dance is tremendous beautiful. It can be performed with the easy dancing steps under gentle music melody. Dancers will enjoyed the dance without any pressure, especially; the strong Latin music rhythm is good for excitement.
Line Dance Class
Our Line Dance with its strong beats and diverse steps, is very well received by the ladies. Players perform their own different styles of steps for the benefit of trimming body streamline; strengthen the cardiovascular system, improved limbs co-ordination, memory recalling and good for anti-aging.

Fitness & Beauty Yoga Class
The filament body fine yoga curriculumn helps female to adjust the physiological function, increases the bodily immunity, prevented the disease. In addition, the penetration filament body fine jade gal’s training may obtain the body and mind balance, the improvement of carriage.
Squash Training Course
Course content are rules, services, volley, forehand and backhand etc. We provide coaching for three grades: Beginner, Intermediate and Improver.

Swimming Training Course
We provide coaching for five grades:
Adult Beginner
16 or above non-swimmer or weak swimmer.
Adult Improver
16 or above who able to swim 25M of any style (free style, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly) with standard posture.
For children aged 5 and above, non-swimmer or weak swimmer
Able to swim 25M of any style (free style, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly) with sandard posture.
Able to swim 50M of any style (free style, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly) with standard posture.
Advance Improver
Able to swim 100M of any style (free style, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly) with standard posture.
Table Tennis Training Course
Course content are rules, services, volley, forehand and backhand etc. We provide coaching for three grades: Beginner, Intermediate and Improver.

Progressive training in Taekwondo takes you through a series of belts from yellow, yellow-green, green, green-blue, red, red-black, and black from 1 to 9.
We provide lessons for four grades: New Beginner, Beginner, Intermediate and Improver.
Tai Chi Class
Tai Chi is an excellent sport for all age groups. It cans strengthen the body, train the response, promote the metabolism and lead to improve your health.
The course contents are : Tai Chi Chuen, Lian, Shan, Zhu, the 24 styles & 88 styles of Yang, the 42 styles & 48 styles of Jing Sai Tao Lu , the Tai Chi style of Zheng and 18 styles of Tai Chi Qi Gong etc.

Tennis Training Course
Course content are rules, services, volley, forehand and backhand etc. We provide coaching for three grades: Beginner, Intermediate and Improver.
Thai Kick-Boxing Class
Thai Kick-Boxing is a scientific sport, best for keep fit training of the body as well as the mind. People can share the joy and benefit through the art of Muay Thai.
We provide lessons for three grades: Beginner, Intermediate and Advance.

The Sound of Music
Curriculum has included teaching of words sounding skill, pronouncing and breathing techniques, rhythm accuracy, emotive deduction on the stage, approaches of singing contest and selection of popular songs.